For joint mutual this month we had a luau. Everyone got their own polynesian name and got dressed up. We had a best dressed contest and Evan Harris won. Way to go to our newest deacon! Then Maddie and Kiki Morris performed a hula type dance and then they taught everyone a little dance called pearly shells. Then we had a relay race. First all six people on each team had to tie their feet together and make a long human chain. Then they had to weave in and out of chairs to get to a big pile of luau clothes and accessories which they had to put on. Then they got to a table with bowls of pineapple which each person had to eat without using any hands (you'll see in the pictures some of them cheated- you know who you are). Finally, they had to make a human pyramid and get their picture taken.
After the relay race we did the limbo and then enjoyed some refreshments including Poni po po (I have no idea how to spell that right) that Vi Fardig made for us. Sooo delicious- Thank you so much Vi. It was a fun night. Thanks to everyone who helped, especially my sweetie Mia Maids and my wonderful husband who cleaned up all the pineapple mess. Here are some of the pictures I took, hopefully anyone else who brought a camera will have some more to add.

Costume Contest

More costume contest

Costume contest winner- Woo-hoo- Evan!

Kiki and Maddie showing off their skills.

Everyone learning pearly shells

Hanna after winning the pearly shells dance off.

Face full of pineapple during the relay race.

Human pyramid. Three of the teams were really close at the end. I don't think this team ended up winning, but it was the only one I got a picture of. Hopefully the other team pictures will get posted. They still great trying.

What goofy leaders you guys have!
(And we wouldn't want it any other way)